

(I found this in my drafts today and laughed because an hour ago me and said boy shook hands and agreed to forget and forgive this little incident.)

He told me that sometimes I looked like I was thirty.

Mentally, he got punched in the face.

I don't get offended that often anymore. It takes a lot. Lucky for his face, I was over this small offense after the following exchange:

ME: As someone who is honest and fashion-trustworthy, do you think that I dress like I'm thirty?

N*: If so, then a lot of people our age dress like they're thirty...

Vindicated.  ...Though, her answer still kind of says I dress like I'm thirty.

Fine. It's true.
I want to be a librarian, okay??

1 comment:

  1. Psssshhhh, if that's true then I dress like a 45 year-old housewife. Also, you are a friggin' hot librarian, if that's what you're going for.
