

Public admission:

I now play Dungeons & Dragons (Gamma World!) and I love it.

This is my character:

This is Julian's interpretation of my character:

This shows how seriously we take ourselves*:

 These are Julian's characters (he's plural):

This is how long we giggle over Julian's character:


This is my sentence defending myself:

I get to spend one night a week sitting around a table with three guys/men, being creative and laughing til my sides ache.

*Not seriously


hump day

"Get your mind out of the gutter"

--"It lives there constantly. The sides are too slippery to get out."

"I am governor of the gutter."

Real life chats from real life girls who need new real life jobs.

In other news, my mind is currently here:



In today's mail, I received:

A two-man tent*
A curling iron*
A pizza pan*
A beautiful, heartfelt thank you note/high five (#1 best thing of my week)
A packet for grad school
A prep book for the GRE
A Victoria Secret catalog
A homemade, tailored-just-to-me skirt (this was actually delivered via Sarah-mail)

Basically, May 24 = Christmas.

*FREE! Courtesy Gap Reward Points. Thank goodness I remembered to use them before my last day.


Sunday Reading

"We are defined by whom we have lost." - Anna Quindlen

"Whenever you laugh gladness spreads like the ripples in a pond...And it's much the same thing with knowledge, for whenever you learn something new, the whole world becomes that much richer." - Norton Juster 

"I read The Phantom Tollbooth first when I was 10. I still have the book report I wrote, which began 'This is the best book ever.'" - Anna Quindlen, The New York Times 


cooking again

I pack a pretty picnic basket:

Okay kids. It's asparagus season. Two recipes you CANNOT miss are the following:

1.) Asparagus Soup
My alterations:
Use a whole stick of butter, a whole onion, and 3 garlic cloves. Also, only use 1/2 pint sour cream and then a cup of heavy cream. Seriously. Do it.
*On a second batch, I also added chopped sage leaves, red pepper flakes, and some rosemary. Mmm yes. Do that as well.

2.) Prosciutto Wrapped Asparagus
Absolutely no alterations (except I used just 2 stalks each and I think it made them easier to eat). Just make sure you let that dressing sit for a long as possible. The sage...oh. Incredible.


in real life

Yes, we are developing a website for this man:

"I am blessed to practice law, yet I am also a convicted felon (probably don't want to put that on website)."

"I have been told far too many times, by other african americans, that they did not know that there were black attorneys in my area. Clearly, this brown skin can be used to make $$."

mamma's boy

It's morning and I'm an hour late to work, but because of the rain that's been going on for days, I just. don't. care. (How can the world expect me to to anything but snuggle on the couch in sweatpants on days like this?)
NPR is too political this morning. Try as I might, I just can't get into politics. It irritated me how even during the coverage of Bin Laden's death, there was such a focus on how it improved Obama's ratings and how the Democrats are now viewed...blah blah blah. Sorry politicals, I just can't hack it.
I skimmed through the radio stations, stopping on a silly song from my youth and left it there. Somewhere in the mid-90s. Again, because of the rain, my mind wandered away, occasionally focusing on the road enough to avoid the lakes spreading across the asphalt. After several minutes, I finally realize that I've been listening to country pop and I go to skim on to the next radio station when...blast. I hear the lyrics. Yeah, it's one of those country pop songs that you've possibly heard once before but never paid attention to. Don't pay attention. Because it just might be the case that you hear your life sung on the radio in some silly twang and you think, "What the? Who is watching me? How did they know that detail? Only I know that. And oh my heck...they even know the month?!" It's unsettling to say the least and maybe it's the rain again, but I feel a little paranoid. If my life is being used for some sad tale of woe, I'd at least like to cash in on some of the royalties. And have it redone by Elizabeth & The Catapult or something. (They have kind of weird videos...Just got to say that.)

(I am this boy today.)



(I found this in my drafts today and laughed because an hour ago me and said boy shook hands and agreed to forget and forgive this little incident.)

He told me that sometimes I looked like I was thirty.

Mentally, he got punched in the face.

I don't get offended that often anymore. It takes a lot. Lucky for his face, I was over this small offense after the following exchange:

ME: As someone who is honest and fashion-trustworthy, do you think that I dress like I'm thirty?

N*: If so, then a lot of people our age dress like they're thirty...

Vindicated.  ...Though, her answer still kind of says I dress like I'm thirty.

Fine. It's true.
I want to be a librarian, okay??

no title

I wish I could tell my discovery in a story, where the lines would spell out my moral in some beautiful, eye-opening and thoughtful way. But it's one of those things that we just each have to learn ourselves, a realization that we find our own faith in. And that is that imperfection is beautiful.


two weeks

There is no doubt about it.

He's a Wilson.



imma set you up

My boss just attempted to set me up with the author of this book. (In the words of Jo: "Game over.")

I think not. Sorry man. I'm sure you are kind and nice but I have a small inkling that we don't have much in common.

However, I am tempted to order your book "for as little as 99 cents!"



zumba tuesday

After my run-ins with several unhappy, overweight children at KidsGap this weekend, I strongly support Let's Move!

I really hope that there are some middle school gym teachers using this.

(For an easier-to-follow version, see this video.)

Thanks to Kate for posting this on Facebook.



It was kind of an eventful weekend for the world.

First, Kate Middleton stole my dress and we all got a lesson in hat-wearing.

(Photo courtesy: CBS News)

Like with almost everything, I was reminded of Shakespeare; in this case, it's because a death was so close to a wedding.
Also, I agree with this gentleman's thoughts on closure.

"I cried. I took a look up at the sky and said 'They got him!' Now the day has come, and it's a mixed emotion. It's sad; it's triumphant. I feel absolutely fantastic. I hope it brings some comfort to the families. No closure. That word should be stricken from the English language."
LEE IELPI, 66, of Great Neck, N.Y., whose son, son, Jonathan, a firefighter from Queens, died in the 9/11 attacks. (Courtesy: NY Times)