

In eight hours, I will be boarding a plane to go home. Home. I can't remember the last time I was home in the summer. It may have been 3-4 years ago. My brain really cannot recall.

I'm excited beyond belief. Not only will I see my nephews (haven't seen them in 1.5 years! They are getting so big) and other family&friends, but I definitely plan on sneaking out at 3 AM and finding a field to watch the stars in. Maybe if I'm lucky, there will be heat lightning. I may rag on the Midwest but it sure does have a lot to offer if you want to ponder in nature. The mountains are majestic and awe-inspiring but a hay bale in a field is pure serenity.

Plus, I get to see the mysterious well. Rad.


good karma

Evening. Ellen gives the last few dollars in her wallet away to a good cause.

2:30 AM. Tired. Driving. Hungry? "Ellen can has cheezburger?" Pulls into Mikey D's. "Welcome to McDonalds, we are currently only accepting cash."

I appreciate the universe's concern for my caloric well-being.


love writes a letter

This morning was my fourth morning waking up in a tent. Sure, that tent is just set up in my living room, but it's still exciting to me. While my friends are off travelling the world and having adventures, I'm making my own adventure in my living room.

Tent. Check.
Mini flamingo lantern. Check.
5 layers of blankets. Check.
Children's books to be read by flashlight. Check.

I think if I had one wish/super power, it would be to be able to live someone else's life for just a short time. I love my own life (mucho!) but wouldn't be completely fascinating to step into Carolyn's shoes as she strolls through the streets of Bulgaria? Or even just be in Sarah's brain for an hour. ... That'd be nuts.

Let's face it, that's why I love reading. All I want in life is to see the world through his eyes, her eyes, your eyes.


to all

wore a bun all day

I'm now an underpaid government employee.

Yep. I'm the Assistant to the Librarian at Springville Public Library. I'll let you know what that means when I figure it out.

I've said it before, and I'll say it again:


sorry for the swears

But seriously. This is me. Sorry People. It's just my face.

seattle foodies

Thanks to Leah (Human Google) for the LOTR info and Sarah for suggesting this list.


two favorites

"During my most recently controlled near-death experience, I got to interview William Shakespeare. We did not hit it off. He said the dialect I spoke was the ugliest English he had ever heard, 'fit to split the ears of groundlings.' He asked if it had a name, and I said 'Indianapolis.'" ~ Kurt Vonnegut


I have been ridiculously social this summer. And yes, ridiculous is the correct term to describe it.

After weeks of rushing from one engagement to the next (to be honest, loving all of them), I had a social breakdown where I went on a double date and was the most awful creature imaginable. No really-- hardly talked to my date, let alone the other couple. It was mortifying, watching myself ooze through the night, a blob of social unacceptability.

So after running a marathon on Saturday morning, I (mostly) took the the weekend off and shut myself up with two books, which I read cover to cover in a few different baths. This might have also been because I was unable to walk, but either way, it was much needed.

...I started this post because I wanted to talk about Super 8 but instead...just talked about myself. I guess I can sum up Super 8 with a few words:

Go. See. It.

Honestly. You like Goonies? Now and Then? ET? Okay, I hate ET but hate/love ET, you'll like this movie. I screamed. I laughed (so much). I cried.

Oh and just FYI, this is the rest of my week schedule:
T: D&D, dinner, Midnight in Paris
W: Strawberry Days Rodeo
Th: Leave for a roadtrip to Seattle for the rest of the weekend

The socialite is back.


take it back Brad

Were there more Cool Ranch chips in a bag when I was a youth or was my stomach just smaller then?

Ah, elusive youth. No matter how many trips to the zoo we take, slurpees we drink, and overpriced little bags of chips we buy, we'll never have you back again.


snack attack

Ghetto phone was running a little slowly so I went to delete some photos. This is when I realized that I like to take pictures of my snacks.
Weird weird weird.

So of course I'm sharing them. Can you guess which day I hadn't slept?

It's gonna be another Coke day tomorrow.


Shakespeare High

"...Falling in love with Shakespeare....It really changed my life."  - Tosh Hall

Don't miss this documentary.  Even if you think Shakespeare is overrated or too high falutin', just watch it for the kids.

(Oscar and Tosh, presenting a portion of Midsummer Night's Dream.)