
I went to Life Club today and they said a requirement for their club was to send them our "secret in a drawer" (definition: life goal). Apparently, they're going to help us fulfill our dreams. I'm intrigued. And excited about their little happy messages/secret service. "Just call her." Appropriately cliché.

My secret in a drawer? To find a passion. Everyone else seems to have one.

The one I'm sending in-- "To be leader of the PTA."
I think I'll start working on humility now.


In 2010, I will run the Edinburgh Marathon.


Finally made the decision on my minor. Oddly enough, the revelation came in the middle of Eng375. We were talking about classes in the Victorian ages and in a weird connection that I haven't yet understood, the word "profession" kicked me in the head and said, "Hello girl, you don't want the profession your second minor is pushing you towards. Why don't you drop that in the bucket and spend more time on the things you love instead?" Maybe this revelation was due to the topic of the younger brothers getting the shaft and having to be clergy men. ..I don't want to be a clergy man. Or a business management minor either. They relate. Somehow. In my head.


"Don't let the perfect be the enemy of the good." Voltaire

I made this fake blog so I could take a screen shot for work.

Maybe I'll write in it instead of reading all of xkcd and marthastewart again.

But probably not.