

I'll give Noni the pleasure of blogging about our newest pet but I just wanted to beat her to the punch and tell everyone that it was me who suggested his name first. (suckas)

Thank you and good night.


  1. I thought I really had a winner with Stefonerick. I think there is some roomie prejudice happening here...

  2. Oh no no, there is no roomie hate going down. Ever since we started sleeping together, we made the rule that you can never go to bed angry.
    I fell asleep to laughter last night.

    Oh, love.

  3. Oh no no, I mean roomie prejudice against great names such as Stefonerick. A.k.a. she chose Frank because you're her roommate when clearly Stefonerick was the best choice available.

    I am, however, glad to know that you guys will never go to sleep angry. You guys are the best.
