
studying for the gre

Which of these is not like the other?


heart a'flutter

New favorite movie.



What I learn from watching House: If anything is kept hidden from a loved one, no matter how "noble" the reason is, the loved one immediately focuses on how they've been lied too. And that hurts more than the secret would have if it'd been told.


I had the most spectacular fall this morning.

The floor of my room is a minefield of boxes, bags, and furniture. After waking up from a hysterical dream, I was chuckling, with my glasses in hand instead of on my face, as I tried to navigate my way to the bathroom. My foot caught on a suitcase. Hands flailed in a frantic YMCA. Glasses hit closet door. Body landed sideways across a suitcase, legs of a table, and a plastic tub.




Once upon a time, a young girl traveled to Seattle with four other beautiful girls. They had many wild adventures.

One such adventure was seeking (and finding) their RTBFs. Yes, their road-trip boyfriends.

This young girl was the luckiest of all.