

Maybe I should have spent the last two hours applying for that full-time library position that just opened up, BUT when/if they ask me in my interview what was the latest book I read, I can say "Sammy Keyes! And it was all worth it for the kiss at the end!'

My cheeks are rosy just thinking about it. I love fairy tales. And middle school romance. Woot.


more car woes

As my readership of one knows, my car's name is Ophelia. Over the past year, she has been dying a slow and painful death. Monday, as a trickle of water went down the inside of my windshield, leaking through a crack, I sensed the water closing in.

*Unromantically, I stuffed the crack with Wendy's napkins.


total destruction of the kitchen

It's a good night of cooking when you go through almost an entire head of garlic.


stubby ponytail

There have been about three haircuts in my life that haven't ended in tears. Today makes that number four. Surprisingly, it felt kind of refreshing to watch K* sweep up my head's hard work.
I'm not saying that the short locks are here to stay. I like washing and leaving in the morning and I figure I've only got a few more years of acceptable long hair left (before I lose my 'youthful shine'). But now I have that goal to work towards. And who knows what will happen while those 5 inches grow.